During the early part of 20th Century, the younger brother of Badettu Narnappaya,named Badettu Srinivasappaya, popularly known later as Seenanna, who had his own family, migrated from Padubidri to Thripunithra, in erstwhile Cochin Kingdom to seek his fortunes, independent of his brother. The Padubidri land was shared between these two brothers and after disposing his share to Kombottu family of Hejmadi.he set up his home in the small princely town to lead a quiet life. His off springs and descendants, many of them well to do in life, are settled in and around Kochi District in Kerala.
Most widely known "son" of this family was late P Govinda Rao, who died recently at the ripe old age of 93 at his house at Ernakulam. He was a hotelier par excellence and his establishments Bharat Tourist Home, better known as BTH group are shining examples of entrepreneurship at its best and his noble sons are carrying on his traditions with their Bharath Hotel and Sarovaram, both in Ernakulam famous landmarks in the city.
Though this branch of Badettu family had settled down in Kerala, there were in the past and are in the present, cordial relations and affections between the descendants of these two branches of Badettu Clan. Contributions to and association with many development works in the Padubidri Eashwara Temple as well as Brahmasthana have been well recognized. In future also this kinship will continue with renewed vigor.
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